We dedicate our experience to the delivery of tangible solutions for our clients.




Corporate law


Investment Law


real Estate Law


Tech Law

Paralegal Services


Services, Transactions, Transfers of Ownership

Purchase and sale of real estate.
We advise and intervene in the negotiation, preparation, and conclusion of any real estate acquisition. We regulate the legal norms related to real estate (housing, premises, land, or property) between citizens and the administrations between citizens themselves. We have extensive experience in registrations, land use permits, construction licenses, operating licenses for commercial facilities, urban development plans, land changes, etc.
We look for solutions that adapt to the needs of our clients by resorting to various legal means such as leases, sales, and purchases, condominium constitutions, mortgages, trusts, etc.
Constitution of trusts.
Trust is one of the safest ways to guarantee an investment, whether real estate or otherwise. A trust can be constituted over assets or rights of any nature, present or future.
At CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo, we have extensive experience in designing, implementing, and managing trusts and estate planning. We provide estate planning and administration services for Mexican citizens residing abroad and foreigners living in the country or own property in Mexico.
Liquidation of co-ownership.

Occasionally, in a company, conflicts arise between the members that can interrupt the company’s proper functioning or even cause its dissolution. The liquidation of co-ownership is aimed at the fair conciliation of assets. In CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo, regardless of the reasons we can help with prevention and resolution, our main objective is to seek the most favorable solution for their interests from the outset.

Purchase and sell with reservation of title.

Nowadays, there is no doubt that it is one of the guarantees that most effectively assures creditors and financiers of collecting receivables arising in the real estate sector. The agreement between seller and buyer is included in the contracts of sale and purchase with deferred payment. In essence, the seller maintains the property and the dominion of the goods object of the sale and purchase.


With the donation, it transfers ownership of a property free of charge, either instantaneously to the execution of the contract or after the execution of the contract.

Dissolution of conjugal partnership and application of assets.

We offer our clients personal and legal advice updated to the social and economic reality, always looking after the benefit of each one, contemplating that each family is different and, therefore, requires a different solution adapted to their circumstances. We accompany the client in each phase of the conflict: from searching for an amicable and consensual solution to its resolution, if necessary, before the Courts.

Judicial adjudications and labor awards.

CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo Represents clients interested in adjudication and investment in this type of real estate and procedures to protect their interests. We advise and intervene in processes favoring our clients, supporting them in evaluating and measuring risks before judicial proceedings.

Payment in lieu of payment.

The dation in payment supposes that the creditor of a particular debt accepts a transfer of goods as a means of compensation of a monetary debt on the part of a debtor. In other words, something is given as a means of payment in situations where the amount of money marking the outstanding cost is not available.

Granting and signing of deeds.

The action of granting and signing a deed or proforma has as a subject matter a personal right that empowers the buyer to demand the legal formality of the private contract of sale in a public act. In itself, the action of granting and signing of deed or proforma seeks that the procedure is developed with the characteristics of being principal, bilateral, onerous, commutative, consensual, and formal.

Purchase and sale of boats.

Our geographic destination allows us to acquire boats for personal or business enjoyment. At CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo, our partners will register the boat in the National Maritime Public Registry and issue a registration certificate.

Partnership and Associations

Incorporation of all types of legal entities.

In CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo, we specialize in Corporate Law, such as incorporating civil and commercial companies, recommending the best scheme that best suits your operation and your needs.

Protocolization of assemblies.

In CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo we advise you and support you in compliance with the requirements and minutes of the assembly. The agreements taken by the partners or shareholders are recorded, having legal certainty.

Powers of attorney.

In matters of law, different types of powers of attorney are used; in this case, we mention the Special Power of Attorney, which is used for a single act or specific acts and is automatically extinguished with the conclusion of the matter or matters. This type of power of attorney provides greater security to the grantor since the attorney-in-fact cannot intervene in acts other than those precisely determined.

Dissolution and liquidation.

We have extensive experience in resolving conflicts between shareholders through proposals designed specifically for each controversy, thus avoiding the costs and risks of going to court to resolve these disputes between members of the same company, which are very common.

Other Services

General powers of attorney.

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A will is an act by which the destiny of the assets and rights of a person after his death is established, existing in our legal system several types, among which are the Open Will and the Closed Will. CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo will provide a comprehensive service in the field of inheritance. Thus, as lawyers specializing in Wills and Inheritance, we carry out the proper administrative and legal steps for the writing of Wills, their fulfillment, and the hereditary goods’ adjudication among the heirs.

Legal advice.

CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo has professionals in legal matters that ensure to provide comprehensive legal advice both preventively, and at the time it is required. CC Consultoría Despacho Corporativo offers legal services full of your needs, thus providing timely advice.


Our firm has been active in commercial arbitration for more than ten years as counsel in arbitration proceedings. It offers its clients different degrees of support ranging from counseling to representation in the proceedings.

Certification of facts.

The faith of facts implies that the Notary Public attests and or verifies any event (whether lawful or not and provided that it is not a matter that is the exclusive competence of a particular official) in a certain time and place and without making value judgments, nor qualifying the facts that have arisen; the Notary Public is only limited to observing what has occurred objectively.

Document comparison.

The book of records of collation is the set of bound pages, with its respective appendix, in which the notary writes the records of the collation of the documents presented to him for such purpose, considering as original document for the collation not only the public or private document that is so, but also the copy certified by the notary or by authority legitimately authorized to issue it and the impressions made electronically or with any other technology.

Travel permit for minors.

Since 2014, the SAM Form is used as a facilitation and protection measure to prevent children and adolescents traveling alone or with a third party of legal age abroad from being illegally removed from the country.

Ratification of signatures.
This process is performed to recognize the content and signature of a document that has been signed.
Before whom is the ratification made?
The persons who sign a document identify themselves properly before a Notary and under oath state that they recognize their signatures and the document’s content. Then, sign it before a Notary, who explains the value and legal consequences and records all necessary documents.
Real estate management.

In more than ten years of work, we have performed multiple real estate transactions in Baja California Sur and public offerings and fundraising within the real estate sector. Our expertise includes projects of all types of assets, including commercial, industrial real estate, office, and hotel properties.

Our firm has developed experience in the sector, advising real estate developers, hotel operators, financial sponsors who are specialized in the industry, real estate investment trusts, construction companies in complex transactions and projects, including mergers and acquisitions of real estate portfolios, co-investments, fund raising, financings, public offerings and restructurings.


624 247 3899


Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed.

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